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Ty Im so sorry June 8, 2012
Im here because your daughter and I share the same birthday. I never knew or met her, but I am heart wrenched by your loss. I am so sorry. I couldnt imagine the pain of losing my daughter. I am sorry is all I can say.
My Daughter Jaime Leigh


To lose a child is the most shocking and devastating tragedy that could happen to a parent.  My heart is split in two, one side broken and the other left with Jaime. The suffering is endless, my heart was ripped from my body.  My love for Jaime is so deep and I miss her terribly.  The special bond between a mother and daughter is so precious and can never be broken.  I will carry her in my heart until I take my last breath.  My love for Jaime and will last forever...for eternity.  

Jaime and I had a closeness that was truly special that not all parents get to experience and I am so fortunte to have had that connection with her.  She brought so much joy and happiness to my life.  I had Jaime at a young age and we grew up together.  We even liked a lot of the same music, we had much in common.  I miss our chats about movies, television, her life, getting our nails done together and going to lunch at some of her favorites places or shopping at the mall as my fashion consultant.  She was my beach buddy in the summer at the shore every weekend.  Sometimes I think we changed roles frequently and she mothered me which Jaime genuinely seemed to enjoy.  She had that effect on many people, but that is who Jaime was.  She was not only my daughter, she was my sister and best friend. 

We spent a lot of time together and I feel so priviledged that Jaime wanted to spend so much time with me.  I admired everything about Jaime, from her charming wit and beauty, but also the tender kind gentle soul she was and her zest for life.  She made me so proud of the young woman she became.  Jaime was a significant part of my life and I am grateful for the many times and laughs we shared that are so precious and the cherished memories I will carry with me forever. 

My dream was to see Jaime get married and walk down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding gown with her glowing face and that unbelievable beautiful smile, every mother's dream.  A beautiful bride she would have been.  I will never see that day and her father will never get to walk his first born daughter down the aisle.  Ally will never get to be her sister's maid of honor, something they had planned for years.  My heart aches for Ally and the incredible loss she has suffered and also must live with everyday.  Their love for each other was unconditional.  Jaime would have made a wonderful mother and loved children immensely.  

I am heart broken and my hopes and dreams have been shattered, leaving a huge void in my heart that can never be repaired.  No one can mend a broken heart.  A huge part of me died that day with her.  The emptiness is enormous and devastating.  I miss and love her more today than yesterday.  I take comfort though in knowing I will be reunited with her again and we will continue where we left off. 

My Jaimers...I love you. 

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